Thursday, November 5, 2009

User Control Code behind for Ajax webpart

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using UtilityClass;
using TejariErrorHandler;

namespace AuctionsWP
public partial class UCAuctions : System.Web.UI.UserControl
#region "Global variable declarations"

DataSet dsCurrentAuctions = null;
bool isTenRecords = true;
DataTable dtTemp = new DataTable("Auctions");
clsTejariErrorHandler objErrorHandler = new clsTejariErrorHandler();
clsAuctionsMiddleTier objCurrentAuctions = new clsAuctionsMiddleTier();
string strUserID, strCountryCode, strCompany="";
int intUserID, intNumberOfRows;
int intSiteLang;
DataSet dsCompany;
DataSet dsCountry;


#region "Page load event"
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// wlblMessage.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
imgAucDivClose.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "CloseAuctionDiv();");

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
// divAuctions.Visible = false;
divAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");
wlnkEditAuctions.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "return fnAuctionDivVisible();");
wlnkEditAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");

if (Request.Cookies["LoginCookie"] == null)
wlblAuctionCountry.Enabled = false;
wddlistAuctionsCountry.Enabled = false;
wlblCompany.Enabled = false;
wddlistCompany.Enabled = false;
wlblAuctionsNo.Enabled = false;
wddlistAuctionsNo.Enabled = false;
wlnkbtnSubmit.Enabled = false;
wlblAuctionCaption.Enabled = false;
wtxtAuctionCaption.Enabled = false;
wlnkbtnDefaultSettings.Enabled = false;


#region "Code to populate the Drop down controls inside the Div"

// "Code to assign the Cached dataset to the dataset object for Company and Country"
dsCompany = (DataSet)Cache["cacheCompany"];
dsCountry = (DataSet)Cache["cacheCountry"];

// "Code to get data directly from the database for Company and Country if the cache is null"
if (dsCompany == null)
// Fetch data directly from the database, and assign it to the dataset object.
dsCompany = PopulateCompany();
Cache.Insert("cacheCompany", dsCompany, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), TimeSpan.Zero);

if (dsCountry == null)
// Fetch data directly from the database, and assign it to the dataset object.
dsCountry = PopulateCountry();
Cache.Insert("cacheCountry", dsCountry, null, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), TimeSpan.Zero);

// Assigning the values to the drop down controls
wddlistCompany.DataSource = dsCompany;
wddlistCompany.DataTextField = "Company";
wddlistCompany.DataValueField = "Company";
wddlistCompany.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All Company", ""));

wddlistAuctionsCountry.DataSource = dsCountry;
wddlistAuctionsCountry.DataTextField = "CountryName";
wddlistAuctionsCountry.DataValueField = "CountryCode";
wddlistAuctionsCountry.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All Country", "TGL"));

// Method call to populate the Auctions count



catch (Exception ex)
objErrorHandler.LogError(ex, false);
// wlblMessage.Text = "ERROR AUCTIONS :" + ex.Message;
// Server.ClearError();


#region "Method to load Auction data"
protected void LoadAuctionsData()
string strCountryCode = "";

#region "Code to check the Country Selected"
if (Request.QueryString["Code"] != null)
strCountryCode = Request.QueryString["Code"].ToString();
// Response.Write("Query STRING: " + strCountryCode + "
else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["sessSelectedCountry"] != null)
strCountryCode = HttpContext.Current.Session["sessSelectedCountry"].ToString().Substring(0, 3);
// Response.Write("Session: " + strCountryCode + "
strCountryCode = "TGL";
// Response.Write("Default: " + strCountryCode + "

#region "Code to get the Site Language and Set the Labels Text as per the site language"
clsUtility objUtility = new clsUtility();
// Update the Text of the Webpart header to ENGLISH,ARABIC,CHINESE language
//string strSiteName = "Tejari";
string strSiteName = objUtility.GetLang();


#region "Code to check whether the user is logged In or Not and set the customized setting if customized"

if (Request.Cookies["LoginCookie"] != null)
// Check if the User has clicked on the Default Setting link
if (Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vwAuctionsDefautSettings"]) != 1)
/* START: Commneted for Testing in the Local Project */
HttpCookie objCookie = Request.Cookies.Get("LoginCookie");
strUserID = objCookie.Values["ID"].ToString();
intUserID = objCurrentAuctions.GetUserID(strUserID);
/* END: Commneted for Testing in the Local Project */

DataSet dsPersonalize = objCurrentAuctions.GetPersonalizationInfo(intUserID);

Session["sessUserCustomizationInfo"] = dsPersonalize;

DataSet dsCustomizationInfo = null;

if (Session["sessUserCustomizationInfo"] != null)
dsCustomizationInfo = (DataSet)Session["sessUserCustomizationInfo"];
DataView dvCustomizationInfo = new DataView();

dvCustomizationInfo = (DataView)dsCustomizationInfo.Tables[0].DefaultView;

dvCustomizationInfo.RowFilter = "Type='" + "SCA" + "'";

// wlblAucSignUp1.Text = "COUNT: " + dvCustomizationInfo.Count.ToString() + " :: "+ dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["CountryCode"].ToString() ;

if (dvCustomizationInfo.Count > 0)
// wlblAucSignUp1.Text = "asfdsfdsf...";

strCountryCode = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["CountryCode"].ToString();
intNumberOfRows = Convert.ToInt32(dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["TotalRec"].ToString());
strCompany = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["Company"].ToString();

if (strSiteName.Equals("Tejari"))

if (dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["EnglishTitle"].ToString() != "")
wlblCurrentAuctions.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["EnglishTitle"].ToString();
wtxtAuctionCaption.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["EnglishTitle"].ToString();


else if (strSiteName.Equals("Arabic"))

if (dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ArabicTitle"].ToString() != "")
wtxtAuctionCaption.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ArabicTitle"].ToString();
wlblCurrentAuctions.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ArabicTitle"].ToString();



else if (strSiteName.Equals("Chinese"))

if (dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ChineseTitle"].ToString() != "")
wtxtAuctionCaption.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ChineseTitle"].ToString();
wlblCurrentAuctions.Text = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["ChineseTitle"].ToString();

// SetLanguageSpecHeaderText(strSiteName);
wtxtAuctionCaption.Text = "CURRENT AUCTIONS";
// wlblAucSignUp1.Text = "asfdsfdsf";
intNumberOfRows = 10;

intNumberOfRows = 10;
intNumberOfRows = 10;

#region "Code to set the header label alignment to right for arabic sites"
if (strSiteName == "Arabic")
tdSellersOpportunities.Align = "right";
tdCurrentAuctions.Align = "right";
wimgAuctionsLink.Visible = false;

#region "Code to assign the Cached dataset to the dataset object"
//Assigning the Cached dataset to the dataset object
dsCurrentAuctions = (DataSet)Cache["cacheCurrentAuctions"];

#region "Code to fetch the data directly from the database "
// If the dataset is null , fetch the data directly from the database.
if (dsCurrentAuctions == null)
// Fetch data directly from the database, and assign it to the dataset object.

dsCurrentAuctions = objCurrentAuctions.GetAuctionsData();

// Define the timelines for the expiry of the Cache. And add the dataset to the
// Cache variable cacheCurrentAuctions.
ViewState["vwStateNew"] = null;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = null;
Cache.Insert("cacheCurrentAuctions", dsCurrentAuctions, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), TimeSpan.Zero);

DataView dvStatus = new DataView();
DataView dvCurrentAuctions = new DataView();

dvCurrentAuctions = (DataView)dsCurrentAuctions.Tables[0].DefaultView;
dtTemp = dsCurrentAuctions.Tables[0].Clone();

if (strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvCurrentAuctions.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Company='"+strCompany;
dvCurrentAuctions.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'";
if (dvCurrentAuctions.Count < 10)
isTenRecords = false;
dvCurrentAuctions.RowFilter = "";
dvStatus = dvCurrentAuctions;

if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Company='" + strCompany + "'and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany+ "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='N'";

int intNewCount = dvStatus.Count;

if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Company='" + strCompany + "'and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "'and Status='C'";

dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='C'";
int intCloseCount = dvStatus.Count;

// Code to Filter the Records
#region "Code to filter the records for the selected country if both the 'New' and 'Closing' auctions is greater then 5 "
if (intNewCount > (intNumberOfRows / 2) && intCloseCount > (intNumberOfRows / 2))
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='N'";

#region "Logic for Ajax to shuffle the records-- Status as New "
int intStartNew;

if (ViewState["vwStateNew"] == null)
intStartNew = 0;
intStartNew = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vwStateNew"]) + 1;

if (intStartNew >= dvStatus.Count)
intStartNew = 0;

for (int intCounter = intStartNew; intCounter < intStartNew + (intNumberOfRows / 2); intCounter++)

if (intCounter >= dvStatus.Count - 1)
intCounter = -1;
ViewState["vwStateNew"] = intCounter;
ViewState["vwStateNew"] = intCounter;

// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";

if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='C'";

#region "Logic for Ajax to shuffle the records-- Status as Closing"
int intStartClosing;

if (ViewState["vwStateClosing"] == null)
intStartClosing = 0;
intStartClosing = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vwStateClosing"]) + 1;

if (intStartClosing >= dvStatus.Count)
intStartClosing = 0;

for (int intCounter = intStartClosing; intCounter < intStartClosing + (intNumberOfRows / 2); intCounter++)

if (intCounter >= dvStatus.Count - 1)
intCounter = -1;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;

ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;


#region "Code to filter the records for the selected country if both the 'New' and 'Closing' auctions is less then 5 "
else if (intNewCount <= (intNumberOfRows / 2) && intCloseCount <= (intNumberOfRows / 2))
// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='N'";

for (int intCounter = 0; intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)

// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";

if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='C'";

for (int intCounter = 0; intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)

#region "Code to filter the records for the selected country if the 'New' auctions is less then 5 and closing auction is greater then 5 "

else if (intNewCount <= (intNumberOfRows / 2) && intCloseCount >= (intNumberOfRows / 2))
// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";

if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='N'";

for (int intCounter = 0; intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)


// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";

if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";

if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='C'";

#region "Logic for Ajax to shuffle the records-- Status as Closing"
int intStartClosing;

if (ViewState["vwStateClosing"] == null)
intStartClosing = 0;
intStartClosing = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vwStateClosing"]) + 1;

if (intStartClosing >= dvStatus.Count)
intStartClosing = 0;

for (int intCounter = intStartClosing; intCounter < (intNumberOfRows + intStartClosing - intNewCount) && intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)

if (intCounter >= dvStatus.Count - 1)
intCounter = -1;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;

ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;



#region "Code to filter the records for the selected country if the 'New' auction is greater then 5 and 'Closing' auctions is less then 5 "
else if (intNewCount >= (intNumberOfRows / 2) && intCloseCount <= (intNumberOfRows / 2))
// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='N'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='N'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='N'";

#region "Logic for Ajax to shuffle the records-- Status as New "
int intStartNew;

if (ViewState["vwStateNew"] == null)
intStartNew = 0;
intStartNew = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vwStateNew"]) + 1;

if (intStartNew >= dvStatus.Count)
intStartNew = 0;

for (int intCounter = intStartNew; intCounter < (intNumberOfRows + intStartNew - intCloseCount) && intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)

if (intCounter >= dvStatus.Count - 1)
intCounter = -1;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = intCounter;


// dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";
if (isTenRecords == true && strCountryCode != "TGL")
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "'and Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "CountryCode='" + strCountryCode + "' and Status='C'";
if (strCompany != "")
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Company='" + strCompany + "' and Status='C'";
dvStatus.RowFilter = "Status='C'";

for (int intCounter = 0; intCounter < dvStatus.Count; intCounter++)
// dtTemp.AcceptChanges();


// Code to Filter the Records
wdgrCurrentAuctions.DataSource = dtTemp;

#region "ItemDataBound event of the datagrid"
protected void wdgrCurrentAuctions_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
string strDislayText = string.Empty;
string strStatus = string.Empty;

if (e.Item.ItemIndex < 0) { }
strDislayText = dtTemp.Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["Company"].ToString();
strStatus = dtTemp.Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["Status"].ToString();

HyperLink whyprlnkCurrentAuction = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("wlnkCompany");
HyperLink whyprlnkCurrentStatus = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("wlnkStatus");
Image wimgCurrentStatus = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("wimgStatus");
whyprlnkCurrentAuction.NavigateUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuctionUrl"].ToString().Replace("[AID]", dtTemp.Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["AuctionHeaderId"].ToString());
whyprlnkCurrentAuction.ToolTip = dtTemp.Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["AuctionHeaderId"].ToString();

whyprlnkCurrentAuction.Text = strDislayText;
if (strStatus == "N")
wimgCurrentStatus.ImageUrl = "/Images/NewStatus.gif";
wimgCurrentStatus.ImageUrl = "/Images/CloseStatus.gif";
catch (Exception ex)
objErrorHandler.LogError(ex, false);

#region "Function to Set Language Specific Header Text"
protected void SetLanguageSpecHeaderText(string strSiteName)
DataSet dsLanguage = new DataSet();
DataView dvLanguage = dsLanguage.Tables[0].DefaultView;
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblSellersOpportunities'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblSellersOpportunities.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblCurrentAuctions'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
if (Request.Cookies["LoginCookie"] == null)
wlblCurrentAuctions.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
wtxtAuctionCaption.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();

dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblClosing'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblClosing.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblNew'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblNew.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();

#region "START: For Div Popup"

dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblAuctionInfo'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblAuctionInfo.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();

dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblMsgAucPlease'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblMsgAucPlease.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='hyplnkAucSignIn'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
hyplnkAucSignIn.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblMsgAucConfig'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblMsgAucConfig.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblAucSignUp1'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblAucSignUp1.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='hyplnkAucSignUp'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
hyplnkAucSignUp.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();
dvLanguage.RowFilter = "id='wlblAucSignUp2'";
if (dvLanguage.Count > 0)
wlblAucSignUp2.Text = dvLanguage[0][strSiteName].ToString();



#region "Timer Tick event"
protected void tmrCurrentAuctions_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// wlblMessage.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();

#region "Edit Button Click for Personalization settings"
protected void wlnkEditAuctions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


#region "Method to populate the No Of Days"
protected void PopulateNoOfDays()
wddlistAuctionsNo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Default", "10"));
wddlistAuctionsNo.Items.Add(new ListItem("6", "6"));
wddlistAuctionsNo.Items.Add(new ListItem("12", "12"));
wddlistAuctionsNo.Items.Add(new ListItem("18", "18"));
wddlistAuctionsNo.Items.Add(new ListItem("24", "24"));

#region "Method to Populate the Company List"
protected DataSet PopulateCompany()
DataSet dsCompany = new DataSet();
dsCompany = objCurrentAuctions.GetCompanyData();
return dsCompany;


#region "Method to populate the Country"
protected DataSet PopulateCountry()
DataSet dsCountry = new DataSet();
dsCountry = objCurrentAuctions.GetCountry();
return dsCountry;

#region "Submit Button Method"
protected void wlnkbtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// tmrCurrentAuctions.Enabled = true;
// divAuctions.Visible = false;
divAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");

//wlnkEditAuctions.Attributes.Add("disabled", "false");
wlnkEditAuctions.Enabled = true;

#region "Getting the Site Language"
string strSiteName = "Tejari";
// string strSiteName = objUtility.GetLang();

if (strSiteName == "Tejari")
intSiteLang = 0;
else if (strSiteName == "Arabic")
intSiteLang = 1;
else if (strSiteName == "Chinese")
intSiteLang = 2;

// Assign the values to the variables

/*START: Commented for Testing purpose */
HttpCookie objCookie = Request.Cookies.Get("LoginCookie");
strUserID = objCookie.Values["ID"].ToString();
intUserID = objCurrentAuctions.GetUserID(strUserID);

int intUID = intUserID;

/*START: Commented for Testing purpose */
//int intUID = 0;

int intRecCount = Convert.ToInt32(wddlistAuctionsNo.SelectedItem.Value);
string strCountry = wddlistAuctionsCountry.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
string strComp = wddlistCompany.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
string strWPTitle=wtxtAuctionCaption.Text;

int intInsertSucc = objCurrentAuctions.InsertCustomizationInfo(intUID, "SCA", intRecCount, strCountry, strComp, intSiteLang, strWPTitle);

if (intInsertSucc == 1)
// wlblMsgAucPlease.Text = "Customization Successfull";

ViewState["vwStateNew"] = null;
ViewState["vwStateClosing"] = null;


#region "Code to roll back to the default settings of the webpart"
protected void wlnkbtnDefaultSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
divAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");
wlnkEditAuctions.Enabled = true;
ViewState["vwAuctionsDefautSettings"] = 1;

#region "Code for the Asynchronous timer loading drop down controls"
protected void tmrAsychrAuctions_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

// wlblMsgAucPlease.Text = "";
//divAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");
// string strSiteName = "Tejari";
// string strSiteName = objUtility.GetLang();
// SetLanguageSpecHeaderText(strSiteName);

#region "Logic for Personalization of Webpart"
//START: Logic to check the Personalization settings of the user for this webpart
//clsAuctionsMiddleTier objMyAuctions = new clsAuctionsMiddleTier();

// Getting the UserID for the current logged In user.
if (Request.Cookies["LoginCookie"] != null)
wlblAuctionCountry.Enabled = true;
wddlistAuctionsCountry.Enabled = true;
wlblCompany.Enabled = true;
wddlistCompany.Enabled = true;
wlblAuctionsNo.Enabled = true;
wddlistAuctionsNo.Enabled = true;
wlnkbtnSubmit.Enabled = true;
wlblAuctionCaption.Enabled = true;
wtxtAuctionCaption.Enabled = true;
wlnkbtnDefaultSettings.Enabled = true;

/* START: Commneted for Testing in the Local Project */
HttpCookie objCookie = Request.Cookies.Get("LoginCookie");
strUserID = objCookie.Values["ID"].ToString();

intUserID = objCurrentAuctions.GetUserID(strUserID);

/* END: Commneted for Testing in the Local Project */

//intUserID = 0;

DataSet dsCustomizationInfo = null;

if (Session["sessUserCustomizationInfo"] != null)
dsCustomizationInfo = (DataSet)Session["sessUserCustomizationInfo"];
DataView dvCustomizationInfo = new DataView();

dvCustomizationInfo = (DataView)dsCustomizationInfo.Tables[0].DefaultView;
dvCustomizationInfo.RowFilter = "Type='" + "SCA" + "'";

if (dvCustomizationInfo.Count > 0)
strCountryCode = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["CountryCode"].ToString();
intNumberOfRows = Convert.ToInt32(dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["TotalRec"].ToString());
strCompany = dvCustomizationInfo[0].Row["Company"].ToString();

if (strCountryCode != "TGL" && strCountryCode != "")
// wddlistAuctionsCountry.Items.FindByValue(strCountryCode).Selected = true;

if (strCompany != "")
// wddlistCompany.Items.FindByValue(strCompany).Selected = true;


wlblAuctionCountry.Enabled = false;
wddlistAuctionsCountry.Enabled = false;
wlblCompany.Enabled = false;
wddlistCompany.Enabled = false;
wlblAuctionsNo.Enabled = false;
wddlistAuctionsNo.Enabled = false;
wlnkbtnSubmit.Enabled = false;
wlblAuctionCaption.Enabled = false;
wtxtAuctionCaption.Enabled = false;
wlnkbtnDefaultSettings.Enabled = false;
// SetLanguageSpecHeaderText(strSiteName);
//wlblMsgAucPlease.Text = "Please login to configure...";

tmrAsychr.Enabled = false;


#region "Method to asign the links urls to the div htperlinks"
protected void AssignUrlDivLinks()
// wlblMsgAucPlease.Text = "";
//divAuctions.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden");
string strSiteName = "Tejari";
// string strSiteName = objUtility.GetLang();

if (strSiteName == "Tejari")
//wlblAuctionInfo.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuctionInfoEng"].ToString();

hyplnkAucSignIn.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/Membership/Login.aspx?PID=91";
hyplnkAucSignUp.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/MemberShip/AlertRegistration.aspx?PID=68";
else if (strSiteName == "Arabic")
// wlblAuctionInfo.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuctionInfoArabic"].ToString();
hyplnkAucSignIn.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/Membership/Login.aspx?PID=91";
hyplnkAucSignUp.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/MemberShip/AlertRegistration.aspx?PID=68";
else if (strSiteName == "Chinese")
// wlblAuctionInfo.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuctionInfoChinese"].ToString();
hyplnkAucSignIn.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/Membership/Login.aspx?PID=91";
hyplnkAucSignUp.NavigateUrl = "/Tejari/MemberShip/AlertRegistration.aspx?PID=68";


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